“Discover the Latest SparkyLinux 6.6 for Download – The Leading News for Cloud Host Users”

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New Update for SparkyLinux: Sparky 6.6 “Po Tolo” Unleashes Enhanced Features and Compatibility with Debian 11!

Exciting news for the Linux community as SparkyLinux releases its latest update, Sparky 6.6 “Po Tolo”. This Debian-based GNU/Linux distro boasts impressive enhancements, including a new feature that allows users to run Sparky Live from a flash drive and save their work. With support for the latest Linux Kernel 5.10.166 LTS and compatibility with Linux Kernel 6.1, Sparky 6.6 is a force to be reckoned with.

But that’s not all. Sparky 6.6 also brings improvements and updates from the stable repos of Debian and Sparky, as of February 4, 2023. With newer kernels like 5.15.92-ESR and 4.9.337-ESR49 (EOL) available from Sparky’s unstable repos, users can customize their system even further.

For users on AMD64, Sparky 6.6 offers a variety of desktop environments to choose from, including LXQt, KDE Plasma, Xfce, MinimalGUI (Openbox), and MinimalCLI (text mode). And for those on i686 or armhf systems, LXQt, MinimalGUI (Openbox), and MinimalCLI (text mode) are available.

But there’s a catch – the new persistence feature in Sparky 6.6 is not compatible with older versions. So, to enjoy the latest updates, be sure to upgrade to Sparky 6.6.

To install the update, simply open the terminal and type in the command “sparky -upgrade”. And for those who haven’t yet downloaded Sparky 6.6, the link is provided in this article.

Stay up to date with the latest Linux news and updates from prominent tech industries by subscribing to our newsletter. Experience the power of SparkyLinux 6.6 “Po Tolo” today!

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiSGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNsb3VkaG9zdG5ld3MuY29tL3NwYXJreWxpbnV4LTYtNi1ub3ctYXZhaWxhYmxlLXRvLWRvd25sb2FkL9IBAA?oc=5

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