“Mastering Slackware Linux: Your Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the Graphical Interface – Explore Page 3 on TechRadar”

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Master the Art of Slackware: A Guide to Becoming a Pro User

Slackware is the perfect operating system for those who want complete control over their system. Forget about other distributions that may try to guess what you want or need. With Slackware, you are in charge.

Step 1: Get Graphical

Sure, you can run Slackware as a server or router with its default text login mode. But if you prefer the sleek interface of graphical mode, simply enter ‘root’ and your password at the login prompt, then type ‘startx’ to bring up your chosen desktop or window manager.

To have Slackware boot into graphical mode, edit the /etc/inittab file and change the default runlevel from ‘3’ to ‘4’. Then, reboot and enjoy your new graphical login screen.

Step 2: Add a User

Running as root all the time is risky, so add a normal user account with limited privileges using the adduser command. Setting the username and password is all you need to do.

Step 3: Master the Package Management System

Slackware’s .tgz packages contain all the necessary files, along with some important information. Run the ‘pkgtool’ command as root to easily add or remove packages from your system. Or, use ‘installpkg’ to install a single package.

For more complex package management, try ‘slapt-get’, which is similar to apt-get on Debian/Ubuntu. It allows you to retrieve packages from the official repositories or other sources, and can handle dependencies.

Step 4: Read Up

The included Slackware Book, slackbook-2.0.pdf, is your comprehensive guide to the distribution. It covers everything from installation and configuration to advanced administration. Plus, it’s filled with humor and references to science fiction.

So what are you waiting for? Master the art of Slackware and become a pro user today!

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiamh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRlY2hyYWRhci5jb20vbmV3cy9zb2Z0d2FyZS9vcGVyYXRpbmctc3lzdGVtcy90aGUtYmVnaW5uZXItcy1ndWlkZS10by1zbGFja3dhcmUtbGludXgtNjA5MjQ1LzPSAQA?oc=5

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