“Experience Top-Notch Browsing: Install Brave on Arch Linux with These Easy Steps!”

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How to Get Brave Browser on Arch Linux

Are you tired of the default GNOME Web browser on your Arch Linux system? Do you need your saved passwords and plugins? Look no further, as we show you how to easily install Brave browser on Arch Linux!

Installing Brave on Arch Linux

Brave is not available in the official Arch repositories, but it can easily be installed using the AUR (Arch User Repository) and an AUR helper like Yay.

First, install Yay (or any other AUR helper) using the command:
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
cd yay
makepkg -si

Once Yay is installed, simply use this command to install Brave:
yay -S brave-bin

Don’t worry, it will ask for your password before proceeding with the installation.

If this is your first time installing a browser, you may be prompted to choose a font provider. You can go with the default option or choose another one.

Next, Yay will ask if it should redownload the packages and dependencies or use the cache from a previous build. Simply press enter to go with the default option.

Before the actual installation, you will be asked to enter your account password. Once done, the process will download files of approximately 350 MB.

Once Brave is installed, you can find it in the system menu and run it from there.

Keeping Brave Updated

To keep Brave updated, simply run this command to update the AUR packages using Yay:
yay -Sua

Removing Brave from Arch

Don’t like Brave? No worries, it can easily be removed like any other software using the command:
sudo pacman -Rs brave-bin


Thanks to the AUR, installing Brave on Arch Linux is a breeze! However, be aware that it may become the default application for opening images. If this happens, you can easily change it back to your preferred image viewer.

Stay tuned for more Arch Linux tutorials from us!

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiLWh0dHBzOi8vaXRzZm9zcy5jb20vaW5zdGFsbC1icmF2ZS1hcmNoLWxpbnV4L9IBAA?oc=5

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