“Introducing TrueCommand: The Ultimate Management Solution for Multi-FreeNAS and TrueNAS – from iXsystems”

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IXsystems Launches TrueCommand Beta for Multi-System Management and Performance Reporting

IXsystems, a leading provider of storage solutions, has announced the release of TrueCommand Beta, a new feature that revolutionizes the management and monitoring of TrueNAS and FreeNAS systems. With the increasing demand for multi-system management, TrueCommand allows users to efficiently manage a fleet of NAS units from a single interface.

A Game Changer for Multi-System Management

TrueCommand, currently in beta, offers a plethora of features for managing multiple TrueNAS and FreeNAS systems. Users can now easily set up monitoring and alerts across multiple systems, allowing for a proactive approach to managing remote fleets of NAS units. This latest release also introduces performance reporting, enabling users to monitor the performance of each node within their NAS infrastructure.

The Power of Centralized Management

TrueCommand is set to bring a new level of capabilities to the family of products offered by IXsystems. The platform has the potential to act as a single management solution for managed service providers, allowing them to easily manage customer fleets. Additionally, in the future, it may also offer features such as proactive drive replacement. This centralized management approach will greatly benefit users in labs, remote branch offices, or customer deployments.

Exciting Features of TrueCommand Beta

The TrueCommand Beta offers an impressive list of features that make managing multiple systems a breeze. From monitoring ZFS features to receiving alerts and implementing role-based access control, TrueCommand covers all the essential aspects of NAS management. The platform also offers a user-friendly web interface, making it accessible from any HTML5 browser. With its real-time monitoring capabilities and robust APIs, TrueCommand is a must-have for any user managing multiple NAS systems.

Final Thoughts

TrueCommand is an exciting development for both IXsystems and their customers. This feature-rich platform will greatly benefit those managing multiple TrueNAS and FreeNAS systems. While the beta is currently free for up to 50 drives, the company plans to offer a paid version for heavy users. Overall, TrueCommand presents a promising future for centralized management and monitoring of NAS units.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiXmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNlcnZldGhlaG9tZS5jb20vaXhzeXN0ZW1zLWFubm91bmNlcy10cnVlY29tbWFuZC1tdWx0aS1mcmVlbmFzLXRydWVuYXMtbWFuYWdlbWVudC_SAQA?oc=5

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