“Introducing TrueNAS 12.0-U5: The Latest Release, Packed with Bug Fixes as FreeNAS Sunsets – From the Highly Skilled SEO and Premium Copywriter”

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Introducing TrueNAS 12.0-U5 Update: The Latest Evolution for iXsystems

Discover the latest advancements in TrueNAS with the release of 12.0-U5. As a bugfix update, this may seem like a minor release, but it marks a significant step forward in the platform’s development, fulfilling iXsystems’ promise of a unified FreeNAS and TrueNAS.

A Comprehensive List of Improvements

With 20 improvements and 80 bug fixes, this update addresses various issues and ensures the components are up-to-date. Upgrades such as Python, OpenZFS, and security updates have been implemented to enhance performance and stability. Additionally, the management of TrueNAS R-Series and Mini Enclosures has been improved, along with several enhancements to the WebUI.

Transitioning to TrueNAS Core

iXsystems is actively encouraging users to switch to TrueNAS Core from the older FreeNAS. With the release of 12.0-U5, FreeNAS has been officially labeled as “legacy.” While some may be hesitant about the new name, the company is dedicated to this transition and believes it to be in the best interest of its customers.

A Change in Update Sharing

As one of our readers has pointed out, iXsystems has changed the way it shares updates. The release blog post contains a link to further information, but the complete list is only accessible with a Jira account. While this is expected behavior, some users have raised concerns about the lack of public access to the updates, which was previously available.

Exciting Updates to Come

TrueNAS Scale, which combines features such as Gluster, Ceph, and ZFS with standard KVM virtualization, has made significant progress in its development. This is great news for those who have adopted Proxmox VE in the past, and we are looking forward to more exciting developments in the future.

Join the TrueNAS Evolution Today!

Don’t miss out on the latest updates and advancements in TrueNAS. With regular updates and improvements, TrueNAS continues to provide a stable, secure, and modern platform for all your needs. Join the TrueNAS community today and stay ahead of the game!

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiV2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNlcnZldGhlaG9tZS5jb20vdHJ1ZW5hcy0xMi0wLXU1LXJlbGVhc2VkLXdpdGgtYnVnZml4ZXMtYXMtZnJlZW5hcy1zdW5zZXRzL9IBAA?oc=5

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