“Upgrade Your Windows Experience with Improved GUI Installation Setup in ReactOS” – Unleash the Power of Open Source Technology

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“Discover the Open Source Windows Alternative: ReactOS Gets Major Update Again!”

For years, Windows has reigned as the top operating system for personal computers. However, there have been a few alternative options that have emerged, and some have even gained popularity among tech enthusiasts. In our Look Back column, we’ve revisited some of these alternatives. Recently, we covered Corel Linux and BeOS, but there’s one that continues to make strides: ReactOS, often referred to as the “Open Source Windows.”

And just this past week, ReactOS received yet another major update, solidifying its place as a top Windows alternative. This update includes a major improvement to the GUI-mode setup, making installation even more user-friendly. Along with this, ReactOS now offers 64-bit UEFI bootability on a wider range of devices.

In the past, ReactOS has been praised for its similarity to classic Windows, with a familiar GUI that closely resembles that of Windows 95. The recent update further reinforces this, with a wizard-style setup that allows for easier navigation, including the ability to go back and forth between pages.

One notable improvement is the partitioning page, which now features a minimal yet intuitive interface, similar to other GUI partitioning software. Users can also choose the target directory for installation.

Overall, ReactOS continues to make strides as a viable alternative to Windows. While GPT (GUID partition table) is not yet supported, the team behind ReactOS is dedicated to further improving and expanding its capabilities. With each major update, ReactOS solidifies its position as a serious contender in the world of operating systems. So why not give it a try and see for yourself? Discover the open source Windows alternative: ReactOS.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiZWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5lb3dpbi5uZXQvbmV3cy9vcGVuLXNvdXJjZS13aW5kb3dzLXJlYWN0b3MtanVzdC1nb3QtYmV0dGVyLWd1aS1pbnN0YWxsLXNldHVwLW5vLWdwdC15ZXQv0gFkaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmVvd2luLm5ldC9hbXAvb3Blbi1zb3VyY2Utd2luZG93cy1yZWFjdG9zLWp1c3QtZ290LWJldHRlci1ndWktaW5zdGFsbC1zZXR1cC1uby1ncHQteWV0Lw?oc=5

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