“Discover the Power of iXsystems’ New TrueNAS Enterprise F-Series All-NVMe Appliances and TrueNAS SCALE 23.10 on StorageReview.com”

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Revolutionizing Data Storage with All-NVMe Flash: The TrueNAS F-Series by iXsystems
Enterprises around the world have long been searching for the perfect solution to their data storage and delivery needs, and in the last five years, there have been major breakthroughs in the field. One technology, in particular, has taken the industry by storm – All-NVMe Flash storage. This game-changing technology is now more advanced and cost-effective than ever, making it the perfect time to upgrade from the old, slow, and inefficient storage solutions of the past. And iXsystems, the creators of the renowned TrueNAS NAS platform software, have just released a true champion in this space – the TrueNAS Enterprise F-Series.
The F-Series is purpose-built for top performance, reliability, and density to handle even the most demanding workloads. With the flagship F100 model boasting an impressive 30TB storage capacity, up to 720TB of highly available storage can be achieved with just a single 2U system. But that’s not all – the F-Series also boasts 6 x 100GbE, 24 NVMe SSDs in 2U, 512GB RAM, and 48 Cores to truly elevate your storage capabilities. And for enterprise customers, the F-Series offers dual controllers for high-availability ZFS, ensuring maximum data protection and peace of mind.
But what sets the F-Series apart from the competition is TrueNAS Enterprise 23.10, also known as Cobia. With this software, the F100 offers native container support and Kubernetes integration for containerized applications, allowing for scalability of up to 1,200 drives and 25PB+ in a single system. And the latest release of Cobia includes upgrades to OpenZFS 2.2, Linux Kernel 6.1, and NVIDIA 535.54.03 driver updates for improved performance and hardware support. The application and storage pool UI have also undergone enhancements, and the inclusion of ZFS Block Cloning allows for deduplication for SMB and NFS file copies, further optimizing storage efficiency.
But the most show-stopping innovation in TrueNAS 23.10 is the dRAID system, exclusive to iXsystems. Unlike traditional RAID systems, dRAID provides enhanced data security by spreading parity across all drives instead of using one spare drive. This not only boosts data reliability but also reduces disk rebuild and resilver times by a staggering 80% while minimizing performance impact.
Now available for download, TrueNAS SCALE 23.10 is free, and pricing for the TrueNAS F-Series varies depending on the configuration of the system. So why wait? Join the data storage revolution and engage with StorageReview to stay on top of the latest developments in the field. Newsletter, YouTube, Podcast, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok – we’ve got it all covered. Don’t get left behind – upgrade to TrueNAS F-Series today and experience the peak of data storage and delivery technology from iXsystems.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMif2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnN0b3JhZ2VyZXZpZXcuY29tL25ld3MvaXhzeXN0ZW1zLWludHJvZHVjZXMtdHJ1ZW5hcy1lbnRlcnByaXNlLWYtc2VyaWVzLWFsbC1udm1lLWFwcGxpYW5jZXMtYW5kLXRydWVuYXMtc2NhbGUtMjMtMTDSAYMBaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3RvcmFnZXJldmlldy5jb20vbmV3cy9peHN5c3RlbXMtaW50cm9kdWNlcy10cnVlbmFzLWVudGVycHJpc2UtZi1zZXJpZXMtYWxsLW52bWUtYXBwbGlhbmNlcy1hbmQtdHJ1ZW5hcy1zY2FsZS0yMy0xMD9hbXA?oc=5

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