Article Title: Innovative Car-Cloak Technology: Combatting Battery Lifespan Shortening in Electric Cars due to Fluctuating Temperatures

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Large changes in temperatures outdoors can reduce the lifespan of the batteries in electric cars, especially when the cars are parked outside. A new prototype car covering is being developed to address this issue by minimizing temperature fluctuations. The Janus thermal cloak, inspired by the Roman god Janus, has two parts that work together to manage heat. The exterior layer reflects sunlight to keep the car cooler while the interior layer reflects heat inside the vehicle. This cloak includes silica fibers coated with boron nitride flakes for enhanced solar reflectivity. These fibers are woven into a base fabric and attached to an aluminum-alloy inner layer.

A detailed look at the "phononic metafabric" that forms the cloak made by Huaxu Qiao.

During outdoor tests carried out in Shanghai, a special cloak was used to cover an electric car, keeping it 7.8 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than the daytime temperature. Later, at midnight when the temperature dropped, the covered car remained 6.8 degrees Celsius (12.2 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the outside temperature. The cloak was designed for mass production, with affordable, lightweight, durable, and fire-resistant materials. The research, conducted by Prof. Kehang Cui, was recently published in the journal Device. Source: Cell Press via EurekAlert.

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