Remembering Zara Blue: An Artist, Environmentalist, and Beloved Teacher

3 min read

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of our cherished daughter, sister and comrade Zara Blue's peaceful, surrounded by love, departure from this life on the afternoon of March 4, 2024.

Originally named Sara Ann Rankin, Zara came into the world on July 24, 1980, in Campbell River, B.C., her arrival marked by a powerful baby cry that echoed out loud. Since childhood, she was extraordinarily eager and cherished doing things by herself. One of her first spoken phrases was, "I can do it!" She was a rapid developer, never crawling but instead rolling her body to her destination and by nine months she was able to walk on her own. She revealed her true passion for art right from her tiny hands could hold a pencil, leading to a B.A. Honours in Fine Art. She loved hosting tea parties, often adorned with personally drawn decor and invitations.

Post high school, Zara explored Europe and resided in Montreal for some time before returning to the island to pursue studies at U Vic. During her time there, she formed a lasting bond with her best friend Evan and fronted a late-night radio show featuring her favourite music, Swedish Black Metal.

On finishing her degree, Zara embarked on a French immersion teaching career in Victoria, particularly cherishing the innocence of first graders and the opportunity to positively influence their young minds. An ardent lover of nature and a dedicated environmentalist, Zara took every moment to infuse these values into her students. Classroom learning extended to practical beach visits to collect unique rocks and clean-up drives, and regular park visits transposed into missions to clear the area of invasive ivy. Despite her health trials, the idea of her first pupils nearing high school graduation brought her joy and she eagerly anticipated getting back to teaching.

The glow of our Zara's existence was intense and brief, and all who were fortunate to know her can reminisce about the beautiful moments and be reassured that she lived life her way and now rests in tranquility.

A green burial ceremony in her remembrance will take place at 1:00 P.M. on Friday, March 15, 2024, at Elk Falls Cemetery 7452 Gold River Highway. Join us as we bid her farewell.

She will be heartily missed, leaving a deep void in the hearts of her parents & sister Kelly, sister Alanna, brother Ahren & Hayley, and friends Evan and Shannon.

"Always in our hearts"

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